Monday, May 3, 2010

Kevin Kelly Video

After viewing the video, I really became intimidated as to what the future actually holds for "Web 3.0". Kelly stresses the importance of being open to all possibilities within the future of the web. As Kelly stated, 5,000 days ago the perception of what the web would be today would not even be close to the actual capabilities people have online. Everyday, people become connected more and more to the internet. As seen in Web 2.0, user interaction through social media websites such as Facebook and Twitter prove that the web is really user operated. Within the future, Kelly believes that not only will Web 3.0 have a stronger hold on humans, but can actually be considered an extension of humans.

Kelly tells the importance of being open to this belief. Although intimidating, it could help prepare individuals for the capabilities that can exist within the future. Although futuristic, the same internet we encounter today was seen as impossible in the past. A growing dependence on the web can seem very scary for some, however I actually feel that it is beneficial to the human race. Not only do I feel more connected to the world throughout the day due to my Blackberry and various internet connections, but I feel I am also more educated and individualized due to it. While Kelly argues that within the future, the artificial intelligence of the internet will surpass human thinking and can actually be compared to 6 billion human brains, I feel that humans will always be benefited overall by the web. It makes the world a "smaller" place as it is easy for humans to communicate within seconds across the globe. While intimidating, I still feel the future is very promising and beneficial to humans in terms of the internet.

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