Sunday, February 14, 2010

Digital Nation Part 2

After concluding Digital Nation, some very important issues regarding technology became apparent to me. One of the most interesting aspects of Digital Nation was the story discussing the possible addiction to online gaming that many teenagers in South Korea are dealing with. I think its important for South Korea to continue their assertiveness in dealing with the problem to not only teach kids about ethical issues pertaining to technology, but also to warn them about possible downfalls due to addiction.

I was also very interested in the segment dealing with Second Life. I have never heard of this virtual platform that is taking the place of classroom lectures, meetings, and face-to-face interactions. While it may be a great substitute to connect people who are geographically separated, I feel various issues could arise including the decrease in the actual interaction between people in reality. Many people could impair their social ability to communicate and interact with people away from the computer.

Digital Nation was a great video that brought various issues to my attention. I can directly relate to many aspects of this video. I learned a great deal about the possible decrease in quality of work due to multitasking and also the dangers of addiction to virtual media.

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